Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Somali Islamist are in cahoots with Hizbullah

The Somali Islamist are in cahoots with Hizbullah

(Waridaad) -According to UN – commissioned report, seven Arab countries have been supplying the Islamic Courts in Mogadishu with military personnel and UN banned weapons. While Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen are supplying the embattled Somali government in Baidio with military experts and weapons.

The report also highlighted that during the Hizbullah/Israel conflict, the Somali islamist sent hundreds of their loyal militia to fight along side the Hizbullah fighters. Moreover, the report indicates that after the end of the conflict the Islamist mercenary fighters received a cash reward of $2,000 per fighter. Furthermore, the report states that after the conflict ended large number of the Islamist fighters remain in Lebanon to undergo further trainings on how to carry out suicide missions inside Somalia and in particular where peace has been flourishing since the collapse of the Somali government.

The constant flow of banned weapons to Somalia by these governments clearly demonstrates their disregard to the, Security Council resolution 1474 which was adapted by the council on 8 April 2003. The international communities are obliged to restrain and punish the violators of resolution 1474. On that note, the international community must find a way to reward the only existing oasis of peace in the Horn and that is Somaliland.

Ahmed Quick

Waridaad Media Centre

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