Monday, July 30, 2007

'This Action Cannot Stand!' Press Release By Qaran Party

(Waridaad) - The Qaran Pary — Hargeysa, Somaliland

Press Release

Hargeisa July 28, 2007

This action cannot stand!

It is regrettable that at this day and age, having all experienced the horrors of bad regimes in the past, the people of S/Land are once again reliving the abusive powers of yet another callous regime.

The unlawful arrest of the entire leadership of Qaran is a clear indication of a regime that known no bounds, and feels confident enough to do just about anything it pleases under the cloak of protecting national security (remember the Barre Regime?). The simple fact is that this arrest is purely political and the administration having lost their base support to Qaran are resorting to play the only card left for them to play, and that is the power of detention. The hope is that if Qaran's leadership is put away, the movement will also go away.

That is just simple wishful thinking on their part, Qaran's movement is not confined to the leadership of the party, the true power of this movement for change comes from the people locally and abroad, and the consequences of this illegal action from the administration will clearly demonstrate the extent of this support.

We urge all peace loving S/Landers to reject this unchecked, arrogant and dangerous action from this administration and stand up to defend the constitution and the laws of our beloved country and say with a single united voice "enough is enough"!

The only laws worth having are those worth defending!
The Qaran Pary

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